Friday, June 4, 2010

omg uga!

I am in Georgia for the ThinkTank conference at UGA. It takes place in the Lamar Dodd Art School. The building is GREAT!!!! I am so jealous. Check out the links for some beauty shots. I wish I could fly my chair and the UM architect to Athens to see this incredible facility.

The conference has been great. It is all about active participation (no slouching off and napping all afternoon.) We have small groups and lots of networking. I attended a workshop this afternoon called Visual Narratives, that was led by Chris Kienke. Chris teaches at SCAD and was a panelist on my SECAC panel, "I love you, now leave." The pieces are word and image collages from Chris's visual archive. The "Art saves lives" piece is a collaboration between myself (2D) and Matt Spahr (3D). It was a great afternoon!

I am off to an opening....

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